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인스타그램 로그인 문제 / 2단계 인증

by Masterhun 2022. 10. 29.

Instagram login issue / 2nd authentication

One day, my iPhone Instagram app starts loading indefinitely.

어느 날 내 아이폰 인스타그램 앱이 무한 로딩을 하기 시작한다.

It was strange, so I tried to log in again after logging out.

이상해서 재접속을 해보자 하는 생각에, 로그아웃 후 다시 로그인을 시도했다.


And then... A disaster has come.

그리고... 재앙이 찾아왔다.

I still can't access the account.

나는 아직도 해당 계정에 접속하지 못하고 있다.

I used many blogs and YouTube that seemed to provide a clear solution, but it has not been solved at all.
명쾌한 해결책을 제시해 줄 것만 같던 많은 블로그들과 유튜브들을 활용했지만, 전혀 해결이 되지 않고 있다.

If there is a picture of me in the account post, I told him to take a video and send it.

해당 계정 게시물에 나의 사진이 있으면, 동영상을 찍어 보내라고 했다.

Damn, I sent it several times, but the answer is always to film it again and send it.

개뿔, 수차례 보냈지만, 항상 대답은 다시 촬영해 보내라고 한다.

My fault is that I didn't save the two-step authentication login number.

2단계 인증 로그인 번호를 저장하지 않은 나의 잘못이 크다.

However, I would like Instagram to suggest other alternatives to solve this problem.

하지만 이 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 인스타그램 측에서도 다른 대안을 제시해 줬으면 한다.

If this problem is solved, I will never choose to do secondary authentication with a security app again.

혹시나 이 문제가 해결이 된다면 나는 다시는 보안 앱으로 2차 인증을 하는 방법을 선택하지 않을 것이다.

I think the way through email and sms is much better.

이메일과  sms를 통한 방법이 훨씬 더 좋은 것 같다.

Give me back my account!

돌려줘 내 계정!!!!!

