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(동기부여)힘들때 듣고 싶고 들려주고 싶은,나와 당신에게 하고 싶은 말

by Masterhun 2022. 11. 3.

물론 살면서 안넘어지면 좋지. 그냥 탄탄대로면 얼마나 좋아. 근데 넘어져도 괜찮아. 무릎 좀 까지면 어때. 네 잘못 아니야. 알지?

Of course, it's good not to fall down in your life. It's just nice to be solid. But it's okay if you fall. What's wrong with your knees? It's not your fault. You know that, right?

내가 살아보니까 완벽하게 준비되는 시간은 안오더라고. 그냥 지금 시작하면서 채워. 아끼다 똥 된다는 말 알지? 무작정 부족해도 들이밀어.

After living my life, the time when I was perfectly ready didn't come. Just start now and fill it up. You know what I mean? Just stick it in even if you're not good enough.
