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Learning Korean

How to Speak Korean More Fluently and Naturally

by Masterhun 2023. 8. 28.

1. I want to speak Korean well, too

How can I understand and listen to Kpop correctly? How can I understand the words of local Koreans who work together? How can I talk to my Korean friends more naturally? Are there foreigners who are worried about this? In particular, do foreigners from countries where their mother tongue is English feel the need for Korean proficiency in Korea, where simple English can be communicated to some extent? Suddenly, I think there will be strangers who are interested in Korean, so I'm going to start doing something very small.


2. How do we start studying Korean

Although I will continue to improve while writing related articles in the future, I would like to inform you of reading and speaking in an easy-toaccess way from the perspective of foreigners living or traveling in Korea as much as possible. I try to help you with situations and topics that you often use or experience during your time in Korea.


3. I hope that this little action that we are going to start now will help foreigners in Korea a little bit


4. If there is anything you want to know about studying Korean, please comment. I will refer to the article and refer to it if it can be helpful for learning


'Learning Korean' 카테고리의 다른 글

The first step for 한국어!!!  (0) 2023.08.28
